– A Visual Diary is a document used to progressively record the exploration and or development of artworks. It can be presented as a hardcopy book or digitally however we highly recommend this be made as a hardcopy
– You documentation must be progressively recorded, dated and signed by your teacher
– VCAA says they do not want to see a ‘curated’ visual diary – this means do not ‘design’ your visual diary for ‘good looks’ only. This will not achieve higher marks
– Always attend to your annotation – you have high quality annotation when you addd notes weekly or daily
– Look at Studio Knack for ideas oh how to annotate the exploration and the development of your trials and finished artworks
– Use descriptive words within your annotation
– Annotation is a critical part of your practical work – don’t forget it
– Always annotate bit by bit – progressively
– Annotate every time you create an exploration work – make sure you nominate time every lesson to annotate – Write rough notes in pencil – keep an accurate – information record of your exploration
– Always supply the correct Attribution or reference material of other artists work or book references/ website references that have inspired/influenced your work
– Don’t write annotation that nobody can read – it’s very annoying