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VCE Studio Arts

VCE Studio Arts video

4cats Education started in 2002 with its first publication called Art Issues. Since that time we have written over 20 publications specifically for VCE Studio Arts and VCE Art. Our publications are well known for their high quality content and innovative approach to learning the key skills required for both VCE Studio Arts and VCE Art.

We offer a range of books for use by the teacher as a key reference or for students as a detailed guide to all components of the Unit 3 / 4 Study Designs. See BOOKSHOP.

In 2016, we completed a range of videos for VCE Studio Arts online viewing. Please refer to our free video for VCE Studio Arts on our homepage. To access further videos on VCE Studio Arts please see BOOKSHOP.

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VCE Studio Arts video 2


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VCE Studio Arts video 2


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SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization

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VCE Studio Arts video 2

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Welcome to the new 4cats Education website. Since 2002, 4cats Education has provided up to date, quality information for teachers of VCE Studio Arts and VCE Art.  We continue to provide quality publications to teachers via our Bookshop. Our new online learning centre for students of VCE Studio Arts and VCE Art has now been launched and is called 4cats Hook Up (see STUDENTS menu on homepage).

4cats Hook Up is an online learning centre for students studying VCE Studio Arts and VCE Art. Our learning centre replaces the idea of a single student textbook and offers your students online access to multiple books by 4cats Education with the additional support given through introductory videos and downloadable student Check_Prepare worksheets.

4cats Education has devised a simple 3 step online program for students of either VCE Studio Arts or VCE Art. Once registered a student would select the first unit of work and follow, Step 1 > WATCH the 4cats Education introductory video, Step 2 > READ the 4cats Education publications, Step 3 > DOWNLOAD the 4cats Education Check_Prepare worksheet.

To enable teachers to see what the 4cats Hook Up > online learning centre provides for students, they are given free access to one unit of work for either VCE Studio Arts or VCE Art as a demonstration. Teachers too can follow the 3 steps – Step I > WATCH a video, Step 2 > READ 4cats Education publications, Step 3 > DOWNLOAD a student Check_Prepare worksheet. Once teachers have viewed a unit of work they can then download an outline of the 4cats Hook Up > online learning centre program. Click PDF below.

The attached PDF for teachers provides a summary of each unit of work offered to students. This enables teachers to follow the online program alongside their students. It also includes a list of the 4cats Education publications used in each unit of work as part of Step 2 > Read. For further information on the 4cats Hook Up online learning centre see STUDENTS.

This new component at 4cats Education will enhance your classroom teaching and expertise. We endeavour to assist teachers in both the simple tasks and the more complicated role of teaching at the senior level. The 4cats Hook Up > online learning program provides quality material in a sequential order in an easy to use step by step process.

REGISTER > for free access to a unit of work for either VCE Studio Arts or VCE Art as a demonstration please click below.

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