ask. act. achieve.
4cats Education offers VCE Art students a range of resources. SEE BOOKSHOP. If you are seeking a textbook that would provide you with a comprehensive study of the Analytical Frameworks and guidelines on how to approach each of the key frameworks VCE Art – Analytical Framework is the most appropriate publication for you.
Some students are looking for assistance with a specific task within the course. For example, you may require help with the annotation of your artworks. Annotation of Artworks for VCE ART is an important task and linked to the study of all the 4 frameworks. Our publication Annotation of Artworks for VCE Art will help you with both annotation tasks and also will assist with other written tasks involving the frameworks.
The publication called Art Debates will assist you with the preparation of an art debate. This requirement will form part of the VCE ART exam held in November each year.
We also have available 6 publications called the Artist Series. Each book investigates a different artist. Students are given an overview of the artists life / background / influences and an analysis of the artists work using the analytical Frameworks.
A range of resources are available to assist with VCE ART Unit 4 written requirements and for exam preparation. Publications for the VCE ART 2010 to 2016 Study Design curriculum are available in the BOOKSHOP now.
New publications will become available in February 2017 for the introduction of the new VCE ART Study Design released in 2017.